Therapy for Trauma in Massachusetts - Handel Behavioral Health
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Therapy for Trauma in Massachusetts

Learn about Trauma Counseling and When to Seek Trauma Counseling in Massachusetts

While everyone experiences stressors, whether they are work-related deadlines, financial pressures, relationship concerns, or life transitions, trauma changes the way the body and the mind react to present situations, often causing heightened states of alertness, automatic survival responses, emotional numbing, and intrusive thoughts. 

Psychological or emotional trauma is when we experience severely stressful, frightening, or distressing events that disrupt our sense of safety and security. 

We can experience trauma through: 

  • One-time events such as an accident, violent attack, or natural disaster
  • Ongoing distressing situations, such as childhood abuse, sexual assault or abuse, emotional neglect, racism, bullying, long-term illness 
  • Living in an unstable or unsafe environment
  • Witnessing someone else get hurt 

We are left feeling afraid, vulnerable, and perhaps unable to cope with the stressful incident or series of events. We may also feel numb, disconnected from our environment, and distrustful of people, places, and situations. 

Traumatic events are not just stressful the moment we experience them, but can leave a lasting impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. 

At Handel Behavioral Health, our team of highly trained and compassionate trauma-informed therapists are here to help you heal from the emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual impacts of trauma. 

Our therapists are here to provide individualized and evidence-based care that meets your unique needs and circumstances. 

To start working with one of our trauma-informed therapists online in Massachusetts or in-person from our offices in Amherst, Franklin, West Springfield, Wilbraham, or Natick, contact us today at (413) 343-4357 or request an appointment online!

Also read: Trauma-Informed Therapy In Massachusetts to learn more about therapy and treatment options for trauma at Handel Behavioral Health.

Do I need trauma counseling?

Sometimes, we don’t realize that we’ve experienced a traumatic event and we may not realize that we’re experiencing symptoms of trauma. 

Any event, situation, or series of events that leaves you feeling isolated, afraid, or overwhelmed can result in trauma symptoms. 

Common forms of trauma that may indicate that you need trauma counseling include: 

  • Physical neglect or abuse
  • Sexual assault or abuse
  • Abandonment
  • Bullying
  • Death of a loved one
  • Chronic illnesses
  • Accident or serious injuries
  • Natural disasters 
  • Divorce
  • Job loss
  • Racism  
  • Wars or acts of terrorism
  • Witnessing or being the victim of violent crime

Witnessing events that cause harm to others can also result in trauma, especially with recurrent exposure. Children for instance may develop symptoms of trauma after witnessing abuse or domestic violence in the home or community. Similarly, people who live in war-zones and frontline workers may develop symptoms of trauma as a result of their subjective response to the event. 

Symptoms of trauma can be felt immediately, or can surface weeks, months, or even years following the event.

What are the common signs and symptoms of trauma?

Not everyone experiences trauma in the same way, but there are common signs and symptoms of trauma:

  • Overwhelming fears
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Anger, irritability, mood swings, violent outbursts
  • Guilt, shame, and self-blame
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Avoiding people, places, or activities 
  • On high alert: flight, fight, freeze response even in safe situations 
  • Obsessive and compulsive behaviors
  • Feeling disconnected, disassociated, or numb

If you are experiencing symptoms of trauma, it’s important to seek professional mental health support. If you are struggling, do not wait and let your symptoms go unchecked. Without proper treatment, the effects of trauma can result in serious mental health conditions, such as substance use-disorders, eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, among others.

How does trauma impact our mental health?

Anxiety and depression commonly occur with traumatic experiences. When we experience trauma, we’re likely to feel intense feelings of sadness, worry, anger, shame, and hopelessness which can interfere with our daily functioning. For example, it may be difficult to open up and trust others, putting a strain on relationships and friendships. It may be difficult to maintain a job or to engage in activities we once enjoyed. We may find it difficult to manage our emotions and react to people and situations appropriately, because our mind is reacting to the memory of the traumatic event rather than the present moment. 

Trauma may also lead to the onset of a substance use disorder (SUD) and/or an eating disorder, as a way to cope with difficult emotions and memories associated with the traumatic experience(s). 

In many cases, we might develop symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. For those of us living with anxiety or depression, we may be more likely to develop PTSD after a traumatic experience. 

Trauma can also increase our risk of developing physical health problems, like long-term illness. It’s important to speak to your GP about any physical symptoms you may experience.

Seeking professional support for trauma

Some of us might find ways to cope with our trauma, whether it’s through movement, mindfulness/meditation, or connecting with others. 

However, it’s extremely important to seek professional support from a trauma-informed therapist who can help you understand how to heal from trauma, and equip you with skills to better cope with trauma and move forward in your life.

Also read: Trauma-Informed Therapy In Massachusetts to learn more about therapy and treatment options for trauma at Handel Behavioral Health.

Find a trauma-informed therapist in Massachusetts today:

At Handel Behavioral Health, our team of highly-trained and compassionate trauma-informed therapists in Massachusetts offer a safe and supportive environment to treat those who experience the lasting effects of trauma. 

Your therapist will offer the appropriate tools and interventions that best suit your lifestyle, helping you to cope with your symptoms of trauma, navigate life challenges, and move forward with healthier and more adaptive skills. 

Our therapists and counselors are here to safely support you online in Massachusetts or in-person from our offices in Amherst, Franklin, West Springfield, Wilbraham, or Natick offices.

About The Author

Nettie Hoagland Headshot

Nettie Hoagland is a writer with experience in local news reporting, nonprofit communications, and community development. She earned her bachelor of arts degree in Media Studies, Journalism, and Digital Arts from Saint Michael’s College in Vermont. Nettie believes in the healing power of the arts to create connection and community. She is passionate about using writing as an instrument for personal and social growth in the field of mental health. She is currently based in Brooklyn, NY.